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Contact List Management

Keeping track of all your vendors, suppliers, merchants, and customers can be an organizational nightmare. That’s why Runit makes all of your contacts easily accessible from any store.

With Runit, you can simply add a contact after completing a transaction with any one of your business contacts. There’s no limit to the amount of contacts you can include and they are automatically backed up, making sure that you never lose a customer’s or merchant’s contact information again. So why not use Runit as your new phone book?

Contact List Management Details:

  • Unique on-screen design looks like a Rolodex.
  • Search the phone book by contact type, company name, or contact name.
  • Display only those companies in a certain region, or of a particular type.
  • Print a contact listing or address book type listing for handy reference.
  • Generate mailing labels for vendors or any of your contacts.
  • Enter address, account and phone information for each contact.
  • Enter standard terms for remit-to’s that will integrate with purchase orders and payables.
  • Assign standard shipping and payable terms as well as purchase order discounts.
  • Multiple sub-contacts per company, including address and phone information, such as customer service, or credit department.
  • Attach image logo for brands.
  • Assign multiple vendors to a single brand with primary vendor default, and multiple brands to a single vendor.

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