Can Runit Real Time do split tenders?
Yes, Runit Real Time can do up to 15 different kinds of tender. Combine them in any order for any amount that your customer prefers.
Very. Runit Real Time's Count It module makes performing a physical inventory simple and accurate. W...
The Runit Real Time offers an extensive list of Crystal reports that give your business insight into...
The number of users refers to the number of connections using Runit Real Time at the same time. It d...
Yes, Runit Real Time can do up to 15 different kinds of tender. Combine them in any order for any am...
Runit Real Time incorporates accounts receivable, payables and general ledger to provide you with an...
Yes, Runit Real Time can do up to 15 different kinds of tender. Combine them in any order for any amount that your customer prefers.